Gadget Geek
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Are You A Gadget geek?

There are only two kinds of people in this world – those that are gadgetgeeks and those that are not. For those that are gadgetgeeks, it is quite amazing what has been created by the brilliant minds of individuals to make your life that much quicker and easier......... and for those that are in the former group – know this – there will never be enough gadgets in this world to support that fetish !

If you are a gadgetgeek you will be spoilt for choice as technology improves at an incredible rate. Throw away your cumbersome, dog-eared map book (they come apart in any event) and invest in a GPS – no more excuses of getting lost or not arriving on time for meetings.

And where would you be without your smartphone, your tablet and the apps that make all these part of our everyday modern world?

Did you know that talk-show queen Oprah once listed her BlackBerry as one of her most fave things? Barack Obama refused to give his BlackBerry up even for security reasons and is the first American president to use this gadget while in office.

So what is a tablet (other than something you take when you have a pain), a smartphone and a Kindle?

Gadget Geek

If you don’t already own one of these, it is time to reconsider:

  • The Kindle is the perfect gadget for the book worms of this world – think of a Kindle as a whole library in a portable device. It is able to store thousands of e-books, which is ideal if you are either on the move or run out of space to store your books. This electronic reader, or e-reader, from Amazon has a virtual high-tech “virtual ink” display that drives this entire process.
  • A tablet on the other hand is smaller than a notebook computer but it is larger than a smartphone. The touch screen means most of your interactions will be through tapping the screen and dragging and “tweaking” the display. Nice thing about your tablet is that you can incorporate apps that are available on either your smartphone or your tablet. This is one gadget you would not like to be without.
  • Your smartphone on the other hand is used for reading an email but it generally means it has a touch interface as well – with your smartphone you will be able to have a full internet browser and function such as Wi-Fi and a GPS.

Famous gadgetgeek – shaken not stirred:

Perhaps one of the most famous gadgetgeeks of all time is Q who designed and created all those fantastic bits and bobs that James Bond has become to depend on – in each movie Bond’s tools for each mission proved to be quite invaluable and with these Bond has always been quite invincible.

Thanks to gadgets and technology we could soon even dispense with physical money in the near future. Millennials rule – that is people born between 1982 and 1995 and are also known as generation Y. Young people like to do everything from their gadgets from paying online to shopping for anything and everything, browsing the internet and interacting with others virtually.

25% of the global population consists of Millennials – and this is sufficient to make a significant influence to the world we live in. Did you know that in South Africa 80% of the population cannot live without their smartphones and 89% cannot manage without a computer? It seems as if we are indeed a nation of gadgetgeeks.

Gadget Geek